
The TPS Production is the main partner for the computing needs of the network "Italian Pediatric Allergy Network" or I-PAN. This initiative was born in 2008 in Salsomaggiore SIAIP Congress on a proposal of a group of Italian Paediatricians. The I-PAN mission is to foster a collaborative approach to clinical research to overcome the current economical difficulties in doing clinical research projects in Italy, particularly in pediatric pulmonology-allergology area. Clinical research is not an easy task and Italian hospital tend to refrain to test hypotheses suggested by clinical experience or to pursue an innovative idea. It is hard For a single institution to find collaborations, get financial resources and informatics support, receive help from statisticians, prepare documentation for ethics committees, or convince and motivate young people to "give something extra" for research. An alternative approach is to bring together the forces, divide the roles according to skills, avoid conflicts, to put aside pride, and begin to work together.

 The nature of I-PAN is clearly exhibited in its simple declaration of intent, a sort of constitution, whose full text is available on network's website


The statement reads, inter alia, that "The Italian Pediatric Allergy Network (IPAN) is a spontaneous and informal network of clinical experts and researchers wishing to set up shared studies on allergic diseases in children. Aim of the network is designed to produce new knowledge in order to improve the quality of clinical management of children with allergic diseases. Clinicians perform the recruitment, clinical monitoring and data and biological sample collection from patients participating in studies. Services provide a centralized support for the scientific management, information technology (managed by TPS production) and - where appropriate - laboratory testing. The network operates through a platform, developed by TPS Production (AllergyCARD©) ensuring harmonization and standardization of data acquisition through a dedicated e-CRF developed for and adapted to each study. Anonymised and encrypted data are channeled to a central server managed by the TPS Production, according to privacy and information security rules. TPS production works in close contact with the principal investigators of the individual projects and interacts with other central services dedicated to data management, statistical analysis and preparation of scientific reports. All studies are performed according to the rules of Good Epidemiological Practice and Good Clinical Practice and of the Italian law. The studies are approved by the competent Ethics Committees and no data is analyzed except within an approved project. The network operates with a collaborative and scientific-clinical spirit and is based on the respect of equality among participants. The participation in the network is on an informal and personal basis, has no binding on the institutions and can be withdrawn at any time. Individual members are free to organize multi-center studies outside the Network that also include other members of the Network. Adherence to the multi-center studies generated by the network follows the normal authorization procedure required by the institutions to whom the individual members belong. Data, samples, and the publication policy are managed by the Network as a whole according to shared rules. Decisions are taken by a majority of 2/3, in general meeting or by online voting."

 The network cuurently (June 2012) brings together about 30 experts of the most important centers of pediatric pneumology and allergology operating in Italy (Fig. 1). The first research project has been devoted to molecular allergology ("Panallergens in Pediatrics") and has passed the pilot phase to enter the operational phase. The project has already been presented in national and international conferences and the first scientific paper has been already published. It is to be hoped that I-PAN will grow in the spirit with which it was started and that new research projects will be proposed and funded through normal public and private funding sources. The ambitious target is that the motto "Search together for a better care" (Fig. 2) is translated into reality shared at all levels of the Italian Pediatric Allergy community.


*Part of this text is a translation of an article published on the Rivista Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologiua Pediatrica (RIAP) - XXIV, issue 1, February 2010.